Invest In These Designer Brands for Stellar Handbags
Not all purses or bags are created equal, and some are available at a cheap price for a reason. However, there are a wide assortment of designer, high-quality handbags out there just waiting for you to find them. Whether you’re looking for a cute clutch to match your date night outfit or a full-time shoulder bag that can help you carry your life with you everywhere you go, here are a few trusted name brands for handbags like Dior and Chanel that are worth every penny of your investment, regardless of your reason for buying them.
Few brands scream class and sophistication as much as Chanel, and the company’s vast array of authentic, European-style handbags certainly fit the bill for a worthy investment. Offering plenty of luxurious style features in the form of metallic gold emblems, long chains and exquisite quilted leather, any of the brand’s signature items are bound to look chic and modern on your arm while still offering the vintage charm of decades worth of fashionable, iconic styles. Choose from eclectic graphic designs, bold colors or classic prints to truly find a unique piece that speaks both to you and your personal wardrobe, while trusting that your item is made of high-end fabrics and materials that can last for years.
While soft, quilted patterns and fancy logos might also adorn the faces of other popular looks, there’s no denying that Dior’s own special brand power can hold its own, even while offering similar features. Many of the renowned brand’s pieces have the bold name of the designer written right across their face, leaving no mystery as to who created such refined and elegant handbags. Other options of colorful shoulder bags and versatile saddlebags in the signature line simply provide the iconic letter “D” hanging loosely from a bag’s strap to excellent effect. However you choose to show off your bold, well-crafted item, investing in one of the elite French fashion house’s accessories is tantamount to purchasing pure gold for some loyal fashionistas.
Louis Vuitton
If you ever had to pick out a handbag simply by aesthetic, chances are you’d be able to spot a Louis Vuitton piece without question. As an iconic fashion house known across the globe, the company’s signature tan and brown colors, floret patterns and distinctive brand logo have all become synonymous with the words distinguished and fashionable. Wearing one of these chic handbags on your arm demonstrates your expensive tastes, and it can last you for years due to its high-quality leather, suede or cloth fabric, delivering aptly on your investment. While Dior and other brands might offer more in the realm of colors and prints, the classic look of Louis Vuitton’s neutral color palette and high-end print never goes out of style.
Putting a good chunk of your hard-earned money towards a fashion accessory needs to be worth the investment every time. Therefore, trusting in such reputable designer brands as Chanel and Dior gives you the reassurance you need to make that final decision. With these esteemed fashion houses offering decades worth of artistry, expertise and precision in their clothing and accessory styles, you can guarantee that you’ll be happy with your purchase, both for its extravagant look and its high quality.